SQL Recommended Synchronization
What information to integrate from source to destination
The next section gives guidelines on how to better synchronize data from ERP to HubSpot with some best practices. The names of the properties on both ERP and HubSpot are an example, we suggest you to use customized properties according to your specific needs.
Start by creating a new view with customers ERP data. Below is an example query to create the view with generic ERP_Field to be replaced with the specific ERP field.
The result is the creation of a SQL table that collects data from the query.
ERP Information
Deal Name
Property provided by HubSpot
Single-line text
Custom Property - To use for associate a Deal Owner with a Workflow
Single-line text
Offer Number
Single-line text
Offer Date
Custom Property
Date picker
Offer Revision Number
Custom Property
Offer file URL
Offer Amount
Offer amount corresponding to the amount of the open deal
Number - Currency
Order Number
Custom Property
Single-line text
Order file URL
Custom Property - File PDF to insert in the Attachments section
Order Amount
Order amount corresponding to the amount of the closed deal
Number - Currency
Customer ERP Code
Custom property created to match HubSpot and ERP records, copy the ID code of the record from the ERP
Single-line text
Deal status
To move the deal to an exact stage via workflow
Dropdown select
Last Sync
For keeping track of the last sync made with the ERP
Date picker
If you decide not to consider orders in your integration, we suggest you determine the deal stage from the offer status.
To optimize the integration, prepare a custom view in SQL with the data you want to integrate on HubSpot. To this view, you can add or remove fields at any time, perform format conversions (casts) and correctly manage the entries of the properties checkboxes, multiple checkboxes, dropdown select, radio select and HubSpot user.
When creating the properties on HubSpot that will be used in ERP Bridge, carefully consider the type of data you are bringing to the CRM. If the options are few, select a choosing options property type, if the options are many and updated frequently, select a single-line text.
For property type choosing options is essential to understand how often the property will be updated, because any unalignment between ERP fields and HubSpot will result in an error. If the property updates on a regular basis the advice is to select single-line text.
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